IAQ Solutions

Indoor air quality is a critical factor in our overall health and well-being. Indoor air is 50 times more harmful than outdoor pollution. At MeVaChi, we understand the importance of clean air and offer comprehensive IAQ solutions tailored to your specific needs.

What is in Indoor Air Quality Analysis?

IAQ is a detailed analysis of air inside a building. It is done to assess cleanliness and identify potential health hazards indoors. It helps in identifying various pollutants like particulate, microbial, and gaseous that are present indoors.  


Key components of our IAQ services

  • Comprehensive IAQ Audits: Our expert team conducts thorough assessments to identify potential contaminants and measure key pollutants like PM2.5, PM10, VOCs, and microbial growth.
  • Customized Solutions: Based on the audit findings, we develop personalized strategies to improve your indoor air quality. Our solutions may include:
    • High-efficiency air purification systems
    • Advanced ventilation systems
    • Mold remediation
    • HVAC system optimization
  • Ongoing Support: Our commitment to your well-being extends beyond the initial assessment. We offer ongoing maintenance, monitoring, and expert advice to ensure your indoor air remains clean and healthy.



Why Choose MeVaChi Solutions? 

Choose us to leverage our specialized expertise and thorough understanding of indoor air quality. Our detailed analysis and customized solutions guarantee superior air quality, ensuring a healthier and more comfortable space.

Ready to improve your indoor air quality?

Contact us today for a free consultation.