Data Centers

Data centres are not only storehouses of a company’s digital data; they can also source a surprising amount of pollutants. Yet the air quality inside them is ignored. According to studies, poor air quality can degrade hardware, increase downtime, and have a substantial impact on operational efficiency and sustainability initiatives.

The possible pollutants and their sources can include: –



Traffic Exhaust, Wildfires, And Industrial Facilities

Particulate Matter (PM2.5, PM10)

Backup Generators (Diesel Exhaust)

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM)

Overheated servers, Electrical components, and Off-Gassing building materials


Adhesives and coatings used in data centre equipment


chlorine-based chemicals are used for water treatment in cooling systems, Cleaning Agents


Industrial Facilities, Battery Backups, Landfills, Drainages

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Coolant leaks from systems

Ammonia and Chlorofluorocarbons

Human Respiration, Combustion Appliances, Indoor Plants, Occupancy Density, Building Materials & Furnishing




Hydrogen Fluoride and Ammonia

High-voltage equipment, like power supplies and servers, Electrostatic precipitators




  • Growth of microbial contaminants due to condensation and humidity.
  • Excessive heat released from electronic equipment can damage equipment and create an uncomfortable work environment.

Proper filtration and the use of appropriate filters can help you protect your data centres and server rooms. We offer multistage filters that include particle and molecular filters. Multi-stage filters can assist improve indoor air quality by maintaining the level of particle and gaseous contaminants. Monitoring air quality for humans is just as important as it is for data centres.

Ensure optimal server performance and employee health.

Get a free consultation on data centre air quality solutions.