Chemical Manufacturing

Chemical Manufacturing Facility

About the Site:

    • Area covered: 7000+ sq. ft.
    • Occupancy: 100+ employees



A leading chemical manufacturing facility, was facing significant indoor air quality issues. The release of various gases and pollutants from different production processes was causing strong odors, potentially affecting employee health and productivity.


To address these challenges, we conducted a comprehensive site survey to identify the specific sources of pollution and assess the existing indoor air quality conditions. Based on our findings, we implemented a tailored solution.


Our solution successfully addressed the indoor air quality challenges, resulting in:

  • Reduced Odors: A significant reduction in odor emissions, improving the working environment for employees.
  • Improved Employee Health: A healthier indoor environment reduced the risk of respiratory problems and other health issues.
  • Enhanced Productivity: A more pleasant working environment contributed to increased employee morale and productivity.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Adherence to environmental regulations regarding air pollution emissions.

By implementing these measures, we were able to create a healthier and more sustainable working environment for the chemical manufacturing facility, demonstrating our expertise in addressing complex indoor air quality challenges.